Blog 5 - Rough Seas

Blog 5 - Rough Seas

Written by:
Darren Hiltz
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)-Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS)

August 1, 2021
Lat: 68-49-30.22N,  Long: 7-52-38.9E

Over the last few days, the weather has not been very good and has slowed down the ship considerably. Waves were crashing hard onto the ships bow and caused the ship’s crew to install steel weather panes over the forward-facing windows in the multibeam lab. Since the ship is built for ice-braking, it is top heavy and pitches quite a bit in open water.  When the wind was blowing at its hardest during our transit across the Atlantic, the ship had to slow down from 15 to 5 knot to keep passengers comfortable. A lot of people on board have been feeling under the weather due to motion sickness, which has also slowed down daily life on the ship. At night, the waves do not subside and make it difficult to rest. I have had a lot of trouble sleeping over the past few days, which have made the 12-hour shifts collecting and processing multibeam data a little challenging.  We are looking forward to arriving in Tromsø tomorrow evening and spending a few days on dry land before continuing our journey to the North Pole.  

  Rough SeasRough Seas